Heading to Utah to go bouldering in Moe's Valley? Be sure to get the beta before you go.
Moe's Valley is a bouldering area in Utah located approximately 30 minutes from the town of St. George. The area is great for moderate climbing, as a majority of its boulder problems are easily accessed and range in grades from V4 - V6.
"Moe's is a concentrated little sandstone wonderland. It was a great place to explore over a long weekend, with a wide range of styles and grades that satisfied my sandstone cravings. Would recommend a visit if you’re looking for a short approach and lots of fun boulders!” - Maddy Volo @maddyvolo

Trip Beta: Travel Tips for going bouldering in Moe's Valley
The best time to visit Moe's Valley is from October to March.
According to several discussions on Reddit and Mountain Project camping may not be available in Moe's Valley. We recommend doing your research before to plan accommodations.
For specific details about driving directions and accessing the boulders check out the Mountain Project report for Moe's Valley.
Access: Climbing etiquette when bouldering in Moe's Valley
The sandstone of Moe's Valley is said to be very friable, meaning it can break very easily. Be sure to climb with care and avoid climbing 1-2 days after rain.
Access can be affected by the impact climbers have when visiting. As always, be sure to educate yourself on leave no trace principles for the area. Trash including toilet paper, cigarette butts, and fruit peels are unacceptable to leave behind. Be sure to pack out everything you bring in, and more.
Read more about the seven principles of Leave No Trace (LNT) in our article: What is the Leave No Trace Philosophy?
Girl Beta: Bouldering Videos for Moe's Valley
Sometimes it helps to get another woman's perspective on which boulder problems to get on. Below you'll find a selection of female favorites, and a great roadmap on which routes to add to your tick list when visiting Moe's Valley.
Warning: If you're climbing onsight, scroll no further. Spoilers ahead!
Sortie De Piscine V4
The Fridge V4
Maddy Volo climbs The Fridge V4 in Moe's Valley, Utah
Toadstool Traverse V5
Maddy Volo climbs Toadstool Traverse V5 in Moe's Valley, Utah
The Crippler V6
Amanda Jaramillo climbs The Crippler V6 in Moe's Valley
IsRail V6
Maddy Volo climbs IsRail V6 in Moe's Valley, Utah
White Rabbit V7
Amanda Jaramillo climbs White Rabbit V7 in Moe's Valley
Gription V9
Maddy Volo climbs Gription V9 in Moe's Valley, Utah
Big shout out to the climbers who provided videos for our bouldering beta pages! You can follow their sends on the following links:
Amanda Jaramillo: Youtube Channel / Instagram @amandarjara
Sonia Rackelmann: Youtube Channel / Instagram @soniarackelmann
Maddy Voloshin: Youtube Channel / Instagram @maddyvolo
Jackie Lukianov: Youtube Channel / Instagram @jackielukianov
Maggie Gierard: Youtube Channel / Instagram @mags.at.crags
Bridget Kilgallon: Youtube Channel / Instagram @bkall.day
Kim McGrenere: Youtube Channel / Instagram @kimstagraham.mcg
Kristi “Good Beta” Buckley: Youtube Channel / Instagram @kristi.buckley
Would you like to contribute a beta video for your favorite bouldering area? If so, just contact us!
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