UPDATE: Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 many of the proposed product launches in this article have been postponed until further notice. The global economy and supply chain at large is affected by the coronavirus and ongoing efforts to contain its spread. As a brand, we encourage you to support efforts of containment by taking all safety precautions in your area.
The end of the year is here, and you know what that means. It's time for the Arêt Basewear *ahem* we mean Têra Kaia Time Capsule! This year was all about transformation and setting the groundwork for an exciting new year of growth.
We have a ton of big news to announce about the coming year, with our most exciting news towards the end of this article. So be sure to read all the way through.

In case you didn’t hear, we changed our name!
That’s right, 2019 was the year that Arêt Basewear came to a close, and we restarted under our new name Têra Kaia. We’ve been hitting the ground hard in strategically positioning our brand to grow, and 2020 is the year it all starts!

We added a splash of color to each season.
This year we introduced four limited edition TOURA colors: Pine, Desert Rose, River, and Sangria. If you were quick enough on the draw you snagged one of the few shimmering limited edition basewear tops along with a few other goodies.
You all loved RIVER so much that we’re bringing it back!
That’s right, scheduled for our next production run in 2020 our bright aqua blue color RIVER will become a regular in our TOURA color selection. Set to arrive in Spring*, the matte version of River will be available for purchase along with a restock of ALL of our TOURA colors and sizes in both Low Cut and High Cut.
*UPDATE: Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 many of the proposed product launches in this article have been postponed until further notice. The global economy and supply chain at large is affected by the coronavirus and ongoing efforts to contain its spread. As a brand, we encourage you to support efforts of containment by taking all safety precautions in your area.
This year we made some friends in just the right places.
That’s right, thanks to a new partnership our production will be scalable, and you can say goodbye to the “Remind me when it comes back in stock” button. Trust us, we really dislike that button too. Starting SPRING of 2020*, we will be able to replenish our inventory for good.
UPDATE: Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 many of the proposed product launches in this article have been postponed until further notice. The global economy and supply chain at large is affected by the coronavirus and ongoing efforts to contain its spread. As a brand, we encourage you to support efforts of containment by taking all safety precautions in your area.
Our network is getting bigger, and now we have the support we need in just the right places to grow our business for the future. Below are a few of the faces (both new and old) who have been helping bring Têra Kaia to life in preparation for 2020!
We are re-opening entry to expand our grassroots ambassador community!
We’re expanding our community and re-opening entry to our original grassroots ambassador program for 2020. Support from the women around us is exactly what gave our brand @aretbasewear (RIP this handle) the push it needed when we first started, and as we head into our first calendar year as Têra Kaia we are ready to revamp the program with all new opportunities and expand our community!
Of course… there will be perks:
- First access to our new products
- Individual & friends/family discounts
- Our seasonal Têra Kaia Kit (new this year)
- Contribute to our Têra Kaia Collective (new this year)
- Access to Community Meet-Ups and Outdoor Experiences (new this year)
→ Invitations have been sent, and applications are actively being reviewed. If we missed you or if you would like the opportunity to apply please email to info@terakaia.com
If you feel passionate about supporting our brand, do not hesitate to apply! The program has several tiers that vary in involvement, from simply posting photos and tagging us, to becoming a part of our official team of representatives.
Introducing: The Têra Kaia Collective

Hmm, this blog looks new. Well... that’s because it is! The Têra Kaia Collective is a place for stories, art, and thoughts curated by women, for women.
If you’ve got a story to tell, a piece of art you’d like us to feature, or even just some thoughts you’d like to get off your chest, we want to hear it. Read more about the collective at collective.terakaia.com/about
That’s not all… Our biggest announcement is happening… RIGHT NOW.

Here are a few hints that might point you in the right direction:
The 395... Rusty’s Bar... The Gear Exchange.... and Têra Kaia!
Did you guess it yet? If you’re a local here in California you might have a good idea what we’re talking about. Starting January 1st we will be opening up shop in California’s most notorious highball bouldering destination. Say hello to @terakaiabishop.
Home to the breathtaking vistas of the Eastern Sierra, Payahüünadü, some of the worlds most epic rock climbing, and now the first Têra Kaia home base.
Our new home base will be located on the corner of the 395 and W. Line Street nestled between the Gear Exchange and Rusty’s Bar. With a little sprucing up thanks to a few local handy-women and artists - you won’t be able to miss it! Over the next few months, we will be renovating, designing, and setting up our new space.
By Spring of 2020 @terakaiabishop will be open to the public with a curated retail space, custom fittings by appointment, and a home base for meet-ups and outdoor experiences. PLUS, we’re not making any promises but if you stop by you may get quicker access to our notorious GEAR SALE items.
To stay up to date on what’s happening in Têra Kaia Bishop follow us on our new Instagram: @terakaiabishop
So... what do we have planned for Têra Kaia in 2020?
Well... A LOT. 2020 is our first year of major growth. We have quite a few things planned with most of our new updates scheduled for Spring*.

2020* is the year of ECOTOURA: No more virgin plastic.
This is one of our hardest goals to achieve to date, and we consider it to be our biggest win since we began. We’ve been working to develop a recycled alternative to our current fabric since we started back in 2016, and as we head into 2020 this goal is close to the finish line.
Scheduled for the Summer of 2020* will be the launch of ECOTOURA. The same great fit with a slightly updated style (hello new strappy racerback), and best of all: we’re using recycled plastic fibers. And yes, there will be ALL👏 NEW 👏 COLORS 👏.
UPDATE: Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 many of the proposed product launches in this article have been postponed until further notice. The global economy and supply chain at large is affected by the coronavirus and ongoing efforts to contain its spread. As a brand, we encourage you to support efforts of containment by taking all safety precautions in your area.

Note on the subject of compromises in sustainability: In the current state of technology and activewear fabrics, stretch cannot exist without plastic. As our economy continues to develop sustainable materials, our best option to obtain stretch is to use recycled plastic. This plastic comes from recycled water bottles that have already been introduced to the environment: minimizing the amount of new plastic is introduced into our planet.

Not to mention, our full TOURA product line is in development.
We know the wait has been long. It’s been arduous. You’re dying because you’ve had to settle for wearing underwear for that mid-camping dip in the lake. Every time a TOURA Top has no bottoms to match a fairy dies in the forest. Trust us, we lament the lack of TOURA bottoms just as much as you do.
The TOURA Bottoms are back in development with all new resources to help bring them to life. We will be releasing small batches of our new products: TOURA Tonga, TOURA Brief, and TOURA Short as soon as possible. Stay tuned for updates!

Inclusive sizing and support for larger cups? Say hello to Extra Support.
“Do you support cup sizes DDD and larger?” YES! Extra Support is in active development and is being shaped up thanks to our team of testers. The feedback is unanimous: you want support, comfort, and most of all a top that is just as flattering as the original TOURA.

Don’t worry: Extra Support won’t be including any unnecessary clips, buckles, or anything that might make you look like you are wearing a straight jacket. Say hello to contoured shaping, an extra supportive band, and weight distributing straps.
Extra Support will be introduced to the ECOTOURA line, and will be available in sizes XS – 3X, and will support cup sizes beyond DDD+. Because now, basewear really is for everyone.
Had enough new updates? We’re just getting started. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @terakaia and @terakaiabishop and tag us on your adventures with #basewear and #beyouroutsideself.
Ah, still here? You might be looking for our yearly adventure playlist! Well, fret not: for here it is. The 2020 Têra Kaia Road Trip Mix. Crank up the volume, hop in your van, and get out there to be your outside self.
Welcome to the Journal: official blog of Tera Kaia Basewear.
Here we tell stories about the outdoors, sustainability, and life through the lens of outdoor women. Get the latest on TK events, and a "behind the seams" look at everything that's going on with our brand.